Readers And Healers Inc.

Holistic Health, Wellness, and Psychic Counseling. My psychic and clairvoyant abilities allow me to see into the body, revealing the root of problems and the remedies. During our phone conversation globally. I'm not a fortune teller; I'm a Prophet, clairvoyant, medium, empath, seer, and an expert in extraterrestrial matters, possessing interdimensional and extradimensional abilities. I have been providing Psychic Healing Counseling since 2013.

“Comforting Spirits”, © by Reggie Bobo

1 Corinthians 7 “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal”. Everyone has an individual part of God’s Spirit, and that will never change. What does change is that everyone corrupts their individual part of God’s Spirit within them. Through reincarnating, one learns how not to corrupt their Spirit, and […]

“Comforting Spirits”, © by Reggie Bobo Read More »

“Is It Love”? © by Reggie Bobo

In the journey of life, everyone needs to fulfill the need of “desire”. “Is It Love” that reigns supreme among our deepest desires. However, people struggle to grasp the true nature of love and its different layers, which cause confusion and misunderstandings. Often, love is mistaken for mere infatuation, romantic, blissful feeling, fleeting attraction, comfortable companionship, surface-level

“Is It Love”? © by Reggie Bobo Read More »

Cellphone radiation is harmful, but few want to believe it

I have successfully guided many individuals on how to relieve severe headaches without pain medication and mitigate or remedy brain tumors linked to 5G cell phone usage. First always turn off your 5G when not using the internet, the phone still works. The telecommunications industry insists cellphone technology is safe. But the director of UC

Cellphone radiation is harmful, but few want to believe it Read More »