Cellphone radiation is harmful, but few want to believe it

I have successfully guided many individuals on how to relieve severe headaches without pain medication and mitigate or remedy brain tumors linked to 5G cell phone usage. First always turn off your 5G when not using the internet, the phone still works. The telecommunications industry insists cellphone technology is safe. But the director of UC Berkeley’s Center for Family and Community Health is determined to prove it wrong. A big reason there isn’t more research about the health risks of radiofrequency radiation exposure is because the U.S. government stopped funding this research in the 1990s, with the exception of a $30 million rodent study published in 2018 by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences’ National Toxicology Program, which found “clear evidence” of carcinogenicity from cellphone radiation. More than 250 scientists, who have published over 2,000 papers and letters in professional journals on the biologic and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields produced by wireless devices, including cellphones, have signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for health warnings and stronger exposure limits. So, there are many scientists who agree that this radiation is harmful to our health. Our main takeaway from the current review is that approximately 1,000 hours of lifetime cellphone use, or about 17 minutes per day over a 10-year period, is associated with a statistically significant 60% increase in brain cancer. The industry as a whole spends $132 million a year on lobbying and provides $18 million in political contributions to members of Congress and others at the federal level. The telecom industry not only uses the tobacco industry playbook, it is more economically and politically powerful than Big Tobacco ever was. This year (7/20/2021), the telecom industry will spend over $18 billion advertising cellular technology worldwide. Most recently, on March 1, 2021, a report was released by the former director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which concluded that there is a “high probability” that radiofrequency radiation emitted by cellphones causes gliomas and acoustic neuromas, two types of brain tumors.

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Readers And Healers Inc.
Holistic Health, Wellness, and Psychic Readings. My psychic and clairvoyant abilities allow me to see into the body, revealing the root of problems and the remedies. During our phone conversation globally. I'm not a fortune teller; I'm a clairvoyant, medium, empath, seer, and an expert in extraterrestrial matters, possessing interdimensional and extradimensional abilities. I have been providing Psychic Healing Counseling since 2013.

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