Holistic Health, Wellness and Psychic Remedy Readings in Los Angeles, CA and Worldwide


Optimizing Life through Healing Harmony and Spiritual Enlightenment.

Unlocking the mysteries of health, relationships, and spirituality. I offer holistic healing beyond traditional medicine, guiding towards well-being, clarity, and inner peace.

My psychic and clairvoyant abilities allow me to see into the body Revealing the root of problems and the remedies.

During our phone or video conversation, across the globe.

Discover High Quality Supplements For Your Optimal Health and Well-being.

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Unfortunately, around 95% of supplements are ineffective and can even be harmful. Let me help you identify your needs and lead you towards the right remedy and diet for your body. I recommend top-quality supplements, remedies, products, and helpful informative links. I do not sell supplements as it could compromise my ability to recommend only the best products. Click on the "Remedies" tab or the lines in the top-right corner to get started.

Our Diets Must be Compatible with Our Genes and Age.

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Developing a better understanding of how our genetics and age affect our dietary needs is crucial for optimal health and well-being. Our diets must align with these important factors to ensure that we are giving our bodies the support they require to thrive. Your body will tell me what you can and can't eat and how it affects you. Click on the "Remedies" tab or the lines in the top-right corner for my dietary substitutes.

Unlock your spiritual potential for a healthier you.

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We are three until we are free: body and soul, which is yin, and how to awaken the spirit, which is yang. The spirit knows everything; there is so much to ask, learn, and share. We are all connected with God's individually given spirit, of which our sixth sense is a part. The sixth sense is beyond factual intuition. Some believe they are using intuition, but they are actually using a false, non-factual intuition that is from the heart and soul, which can be deceptive. By exercising the spirit, you can see, rate, and improve everything, as everything is energy. I teach how to awaken the spirit with my free videos, Bobo Yoga Energization Meditation, muscle testing, and the correct way to meditate, to have a healthier and more efficient spiritual life.

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The Best Way to Start Meditating

Free Your Spirit From Bondage

Increases mental capacity, healing, unblocking, awakening, Spiritual Energy, and strengthening. Upcoming updated video.

I do this at the beginning of my MEDITATION. INCREASES MIND CAPACITY, HEALS, UNBLOCKS, AWAKENS SPIRITUAL ENERGY and STRENGTH. Start with clean air and facing or directing your head ahead of the highest energy. This energy changes because of the earth’s rotation and magnetic field. This energy moves clockwise during the day. From the Northeast around 7:00 AM. counterclockwise during the night, moving from North West around 7:00 PM. These times change depending where you are, each month and each year. You can use your mind, muscle test, a good-quality pendulum to find the highest direction of the energy. This energy is usually ahead of the Sun. I recommend placing yourself ahead of the energy to get the maximum absorption while meditating.

1st Exercise: while focusing eyes looking down in the subconscious. Use a 2nd concentration to move energy from the Medulla to the area down where your eyes are focusing. While keeping your eyes focused down, move that 2nd concentrated energy from that area to the top of the head. Move the second energy in clockwise circles, with a spacing of roughly 3/4″ per rotation. From the left side of the head down the face, including eye ear. Go down the body, including all the left side body parts to the toes, then back up counter clockwise. When you get to the top of the head, keep going over to the right side. Repeat circulating clockwise down the right side of the body to the toes & back up counter clockwise, including all the right side body parts to the top of the head.

Concentrate the second energy circulating in clockwise circles and or oval 8, with a spacing of roughly 3/4″ per rotation. From the top middle of your head, including front, back, sinuses, mouth and throat going down the middle of your body. Charging all those body parts, and back up counter clockwise to the chest. Continue with the area of the chest circulating clockwise to the left shoulders, arms to the fingers. Back counter clockwise across the chest clockwise to the right fingers and back counter clockwise to the chest area. Then continue counter clockwise from the chest area, going back up to the middle of the top part of the body. Charging all those body parts to above the top of the head. Then, descend to the Medulla, and finally arrive at the spot where the eyes have focused throughout the entire exercise. Then take a large breath, tense, and concentrate energy through your entire body, from head to toe; hold for as long as you can, then release, starting from the toes back up to the head while exhaling. Remember to stretch your muscles at any point during your exercise routine if needed.

2nd Exercise while focusing on the 3rd eye that’s in between the lowest part of the eyebrows. While keeping your eyes focused on the 3rd eye, move that 2nd concentrated energy from the Medulla straight to the 3rd eye. While keeping the eyes focused on the 3rd eye, move the 2nd concentrated energy frontward to the bottom of the brain around the back of the brain. Moving in a circle up the back of the brain up to the top of the brain. While still moving in a circle, go to the front of your brain and back to the medulla. Keep repeating from the medulla to the 3rd eye, moving in backward circles, with a spacing of roughly 3/4″ per rotation all around the head. Until you have gone around your entire head, 360 degrees, ending at the Medulla where you started. It doesn’t matter if you move to the left or right side of your brain when you start.

3rd Exercise while focusing on the subconscious looking up. While keeping your eyes focused up, move that 2nd concentrated energy from the Medulla straight to the subconscious looking up. While keeping the eyes focused on the subconscious, looking up. Move the 2nd concentrated from the subconscious energy backward and to the bottom of the brain around the front of the brain. Moving in a circle up the front of the brain up to the top of the brain. While still moving in a circle, go to the back of your brain and back to the medulla. Keep repeating from the medulla to the 3rd eye, moving in frontward circles, with a spacing of roughly 3/4″ per rotation all around the head. Until you have gone around your entire head, 360 degrees, ending at the Medulla where you started. It doesn’t matter if you move to the left or right side of your brain when you start. Going through blockage can take time and make the whole body shake, jerk, and cause you to have vocal outburst. When mastered it won’t take longer than 9 minutes. Warn your family about your vocalization.

Muscle Testing Tutorial with Top Remedies and Sneak Peek of Upcoming Videos.

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Why Meditate

Meditation is the science of awakening the brain’s capacity. Intensifies discipline, love, and calmness. For Spiritualists, meditation is the science of becoming of a higher consciousness of Spirit and in truth. As we meditate, we receive gifts of Spirit mentioned in the Bible and in The Heavens chapter of my book, becoming of Christ, and resurrecting into Spirit. As we awaken the Spirit, we have a calmness that is referred to as Samadhi. Advancing in my meditations, I saw the seven stars/golden candlesticks. Not churches, as religiously interpreted. Revelation 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches. The Seven Churches refer to the seven spiritual universes mentioned in my book chapter ‘Spirit Answers. The right hand, correctly interpreted, is the medulla and is often mentioned in the Bible, including the forehead. Revelations 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads. The forehead is where your individual spirit is, which is a part of God. The medulla is where your soul is located, and it’s called the mouth of God because that’s where the spirit’s energy enters. With my spiritual gift, I have experienced that there are 106 levels to completing the seven chakras, which form the first body of the vehicle of the soul. After seeing the seven stars or spiritual universes focusing on the third eye, they formed a single star. Traveling into the star, I was enveloped in light or, as written in the Bible, full of light. Matthew 6:22 “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light”. After being in the light, I was overwhelmed with love, and I couldn’t help but cry. I wrote a song published by Sony Records relating to this experience titled “In Loving You, I Cry”.

Non Spiritual and Spiritual Meditation

Benefits of Meditation for Non-Spiritualists: Meditation can significantly reduce or eliminate free radicals, stress, anxiety, depression, fear, and pain, enhancing peace, awareness, perception, self-concept, and well-being. Meditation can strengthen atoms by adding electrons, protons, and neutrons, improving comprehension, self-awareness, and image, and strengthening the brain by increasing neurons, capacity, and the feeling of love. Spiritual meditation can awaken our fulfilling Spirit. After finishing the causal universe of the fourth heaven, one’s Spirit can become a unique collective of God’s Body of Light [Spirits of Light]. The causal universe is not to be confused with the causal 3rd body of the soul which is still of the 1st heaven. Bobo Yoga Meditation will advance your meditation to a higher level more efficiently and quickly.
Please refer to the many online descriptions of the correct posture and how to meditate. I use a firm bed with several paddings, including wool, which I mention on my website due to injuries. I have found the ideal position for all body parts to achieve the highest energy without cramping or needing to move. I recommend starting meditating. For the advanced meditator, Bobo Yoga Meditation stimulates and awakens the brain, medulla, Spirit, and body. Bobo Yoga Meditation will advance your Spiritual energy safely in less time while meditating.
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Meditation Information

Up behind the back of your throat is that part of the medulla, which is an essential part of your  meditation. The medulla at the base of the skull is the “Mouth of God” and in the Bible misinterpreted as the hand. Spirits energy inters through this area on the medulla. The 3rd eye refers to higher consciousness and is where your infinite Spirit is. The 3rd eye is also in your forehead. In the Bible, people can see the mark of the beast and the servants of God on their foreheads (the correct interpretation is in not on). The external occipital protuberance bump, also known as the bump of knowledge, is in the lower back of the head. The heart, is the window to the soul, which is in the Medulla. On my website,, I delve deeper into the positive and negative souls and spirits located in the medulla and forehead of individuals.
A breathing exercise works best if you don’t work out using extensive breathing. Meditating is best on an empty stomach or at least an hour after eating, before and after sleeping. My favorite time is before, during dawn, waking up and after exercising. When I meditate and before, I use an energy reading of thinking 99/100. If I can’t think 99/100, the energy isn’t there, and I have to find it. When I get into Spirit and extreme consciousness, my thinking number changes to 106, the highest physical number of Spirit. My spirit soars over four billion six hundred million and continues to climb. If you have not been practicing muscle testing, then you have not been exercising that part of the Spirit to know where your energy is trying to take you and to receive that energy efficiently. Please see How I Became a Reader and Healer for more on rating energy.
Enhance and acknowledge gifts of the Spirit by meditating. Unlike Kundalini and other titles, I’m not into anyone’s techniques or names for Spirit’s energy. I have created safe and fast ways to absorb energy and found other methods less efficient. Some use quick advancing techniques of mediation, causing temporary incredible powers but can cause permanent damage, charging with God’s energy too quickly. Generating energy that you’re not ready for can cause a heart attack and other problems.  You have to be extremely healthy in advanced meditation with a heart free of arterial plaque (see how in remedies). If you meditate correctly and above the direction where the energy is, you don’t have to meditate for long periods. You can only receive so much energy per day.
Meditating cleanses the soul and can move a negative soul to a positive soul. Meditating draws a healthy balance of negative and positive energy. I gain the strength of no fear as I had before, and when I read evil energy around me, I used frankincense & myrrh. Some use sage. In the astral realm, you can feel a touch just like here. It’s perilous if not spiritually fulfilled with only loving and walking in the light. That with reincarnations gives us an understanding of everything that causes conquering fear. We are not strong enough to talk to astral beings and shouldn’t; an evil astral being can trick you. Some of us advance much quicker than others by meditating because we bring our achievements and karma from our past.
Bobo Yoga Meditation for the advanced healthy meditator will successfully teach you to advance your concentration in two to three areas at one time. After mastering Bobo Yoga, you will be able to do my Tri meditation, which concentrates on the medulla, the superior parietal lobule, and the 3rd eye or looking up into super consciousness and for the advanced meditator extreme consciousness. There are several other focusing combinations you can do once you learn where your energy is.

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